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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School!!!!

Today was Jacks first day of preschool!!  He is so excited!!  He was up nice and early, showered and ready to go with his Diego backpack!!  It was such a hot day that Jack ended up wearing shorts!
I was so surprised that Jack wasn't nervous at all about going off on his own to school.  Usually during playgroup, he sticks with me and won't go off to play with the other kids.  I didn't know what to expect today.  But as you can see, he looked pretty excited!

Daddy came home from work just before the bus was supposed to come so that he could see Jack off too!  Grandma, Namie, Auntie Scoot and Riley also came!  It was such an exciting day!!

I wish I can say it went without a hitch, but it seemed that anything that could go wrong, did go wrong!  First off, they gave us a bus pickup time and we were prepared for that, but the bus came 1/2 hour early and we missed it!  I called the bus company explaining they told us it would be later, so they came back so that Jack would be able to take the bus into school. 

Then, while we were waiting for it, I fell down the stairs, twisting my ankle pretty badly.  Then while getting ice for my ankle, Jack got stung by a bee on his lip!  It just barely stung him, and the stinger wasn't in there, but it was enough to scare Jack and it hurt a bit! 

But, finally, the bus came, and Jack hopped right up on it, saying goodbye to us as he quickly found a seat. 

He looked out the window and waved as the bus drove off.  Such a brave little guy!!

As the bus drove off, I hopped in my car and raced to the school to see Jack get off the bus, and to make sure he was okay.  Daddy had to go back to work.  When I got to the school, the bus was just pulling up and Miss Brown went right over to help him off the bus!! 
I went with him to his classroom where he had a chance to meet the assistant teacher, Mrs. Long!

Jack came home 3 1/2 hours later, excited about his first day.  They read stories, colored, and sang songs!!  Lots of fun!!