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Friday, May 21, 2010

Preschool screening day!

Today was Jacks preschool screening....I have to admit, I was soooooo nervous about this.  Jack is a very quiet, shy kid when he's around other people, especially people he doesn't know.  All I could picture was him clinging to my leg and not talking at all to the teachers.      BOY DID HE PROVE ME WRONG!!  :)

He sat right next to one of the teachers, and she started asking him some basic questions.  He answered them all, without any prodding from me!  He did pretty good on the 'stacking the blocks the same way as the teacher' test.  It didn't turn out quite like the teachers, but very close.  He looked at his when he was done and said, "Mine doesn't look exactly like yours, but it's pretty close!"   I thought that was pretty funny!

Next test was finding all of the blue little plastic teddy bears out of about 30 multi-colored bears and putting them in a basket.  PERFECT!  At one point, he questioned weather a purple one was blue, asking the teacher, "is this one blue?  or is it purple....hmmm....I think it's purple, so it doesn't belong in the basket."  Nice job Jack!  I even questioned was very close to the blue color!

Then the teacher read "The Very Hungry Catapillar" to Jack....he sat there listening to every word, asking questions along the way.  She got to the page when the caterpillar turned to a butterfly and Jack said "That sure is a very beautiful butterfly!  It was wings just like a ladybug!  Those are so they can fly!  Butterflies and ladybugs both fly!"   I thought that was pretty good!!

The last thing Jack had to do is color a picture of anything he wanted....when the teacher asked what it was, he said, "A monster!".  She asked where he lived, and he answered, "Africa!".  That's my boy!  (He is at least enjoying learning about other countries through our postcrossing project!)

I think he did a great job and definitely showed his personality!!  I wish more people could see that part of him...usually he's too shy!

Afterwards, we grabbed some food for lunch and had a picnic at the playground to celebrate! 

 Jack had a great time on the playscape and even found a little friend there.  Jack asked him if he wanted to go down the slide together....another surprise today!!  Jack doesn't usually just start talking to other kids, it usually takes him a while, but he had so much fun with this boy.

Our last bit of fun for the day??  Uncle Chris took Jack, Hannah, and Luke out on the ATV for a ride through the woods on a trail and through the blueberry fields!  Jack had a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is soooo cute!! I'm glad it went well - it sounds like Jack will have a great time when he starts pre-school. I love the 'static hair' photo too! ;oD
