Thanks for stopping by! We are always on an adventure...see what we're up to this week!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More snow!

Well, I haven't posted in the last couple of days because both Jack and I have been sick...I'm feeling a lot better but Jack is still pretty sick. But, I wanted to get back on here and let everyone know what we've been doing the last few days!

We woke up this morning to more snow....I wish I can say I am happy about this. The last time I was happy about snow was MANY years ago when I was still in school and was looking forward to a snow day! :)

Jack was pretty excited to see it...he ran into the bathroom, got on his stool and used his binoculars to check out the backyard yelling, "Momma! There is snow everywhere! It's even on my playscape!"

Yes, I think his binoculars are backwards! LOL!

We also made a sock puppet. Jack saw a kids show where they made one, and that's all he's talked about for days! So, we whipped one up...we decided it should be a dinosaur! I think it came out pretty cute!
I was VERY excited today...we received three postcards today from our project!!! Today we got one from Canada, one from the Netherlands, and one from Finland!! We'll add that one to our world map in the playroom with our Germany postcard! This really is addicting to me!! I get Jack pretty excited about it too...he thinks it's cool that they had to fly in an airplane to get to us!!
Have a great day everyone!!

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